
Hygienevorkehrungen bei einem Endoskop in der Gastroenterologie im Josephinum

Clean is not clean enough

Hygiene has a high priority in the specialty field of gastroenterology, and is treated with utmost seriousness in our practice as well as in the Klinik Josephinum.

Effective and controlled hygiene procedures adhering to the up-to-date guidelines help prevent the transmission of infectious gastroenterelogical diseases, especially in the context of endoscopic examination techniques.

The standards of hygiene are adhered to by observing a number of crucial points: a qualified staff, trained in all the latest procedures, the use of modern endoscopes of the latest generation, fully automatized endoscope washing machines, efficient desinfection and sterilization, and, whenever possible, the use of disposable materials.

Through regular external inspections as well as validation and certification of our procedures the highest degree of hygienic protection and safety is provided in the procedures within our practice.